He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
The revelation first came to the late Apostle Joseph A. Babalola by the Holy Spirit on October 1928 followed by a powerful revival and the establishment of Christ Apostolic Church in Ilesha, a town in Osun State, Nigeria. Since this time, the spirit of Pentecostalism/Evangelism has never been the same in Nigeria till today. Nigeria remains the International headquarters of Christ Apostolic Church.
Following the footsteps of late Apostle Joseph A. Babalola, Christ Apostolic Church New Testament was planted in 2005 by Pastor Stephen Oluwasola in Luton, Bedfordshire who had a burning desire for souls of Nigerians and other nationals In the United Kingdom.
Christ Apostolic Church New Testament Assembly is a Church where people from every tribes and races gather together to worship our Creator in spirit, truth and love. John 1: 1-5 “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was anything made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and darkness comprehended it not”.
CAC is an Apostolic Church whose commission is to preach the Kingdom of God and His Christ. We preach a holistic message of God’s love, salvation, deliverance, and bringing hope to the lost and equipping and empowering the saints for a victorious living and work of the Ministry. We are a multi-racial church which all types of people feel comfortable in. We are anointed to raise unto God a people of great destiny. We take pride in our diversity though united in the Spirit by the bond of Christ redemptive work at the Cross of Calvary. We look out for one another, encourage strong family ties, encourage our members to stand out tall wherever they find themselves, excelling in their chosen fields of endeavour and ready for the second coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We will be glad to have you worship with us. Remain blessed and unstoppable forever in Jesus Christ name.
CAC is an Apostolic Church whose commission is to preach the Kingdom of God and His Christ. We preach a holistic message of God’s love, salvation, deliverance, and bringing hope to the lost and equipping and empowering the saints for a victorious living and work of the Ministry. We are a multi-racial church which all types of people feel comfortable in. We are anointed to raise unto God a people of great destiny. We take pride in our diversity though united in the Spirit by the bond of Christ redemptive work at the Cross of Calvary. We look out for one another, encourage strong family ties, encourage our members to stand out tall wherever they find themselves, excelling in their chosen fields of endeavour and ready for the second coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We will be glad to have you worship with us. Remain blessed and unstoppable forever in Jesus Christ name.