We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim 3: 16)
We believe that God is one but manifested in 3 Persons ~ the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, being co-equal (Phil 2: 6). The Father is greater than all and is the sender of the Word (John 14: 28, John 16: 28)
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and is eternal (Jn 15: 26)
We believe that Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again for the salvation of mankind. New Birth is necessary to all men and when experienced produces eternal life. The one who dies in sin is hopelessly lost and doomed for hell.( 2 Cor 7:10, Jn 3: 3-5, 1 Jn 5: 12, Rev 19: 20,)
We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of mankind and He rose from the dead in His glorified body on the third day ascending into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Rom 10:6-7 / Eph 1:20,21