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SURRENDER: A form of Worship

Joshua 1 vs 2:3, He said, “Arise now, Moses my servant is dead,” and He said, “go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto a land which I shall give them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you.”

Further reading of the above scripture, God gave Joshua the task of leading the Israelites to take over Jericho.  This was a fortified city, surrounded with massive walls and built in such a way that there was nothing in the armoury of any nation that could be used against the thickness of the wall to bring it down. As a result of the way the walls were built, it appeared as an impossible situation to destroy it. But God had given the promise that wherever the sole of your feet shall tread upon, I will give unto thee. Therefore, what God was saying is that those who tread upon the grounds with their bare feet having surrendered their shoes to the Lord Jesus Christ; wherever the soles of their feet touch, He has given to them.

Let us examine a bit of history. According to the Jewish custom, when you remove your sandals or shoes and hand it over to a person, what you are saying in effect is that you have given that person the right to act in your own place. Therefore, you are not going to take any step towards or against any decision made about any particular situation, except as instructed by the person as long as the person holds your shoes. This is because you have handed over your right and power to the individual to act in your stead during your absence or otherwise. The scriptures say, Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not to your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him; (a deep form of worship). Thus, the phrase ‘wherever the soles of your foot touch,’ means whenever you take my direction or follow my instruction you will receive whatever you seek from God. This is because you have surrendered everything into God’s hands to have His way on the matter. Furthermore, when you surrender yourself or your ways to God it is a form of worship to Him acknowledging Him as The One and Only True Wise God. So, if you toiled all night and caught nothing; it shows you did it with your shoes on in the realm of the spirit. When you eventually have an encounter with Jesus, and you surrender your shoes to Him; after hearing from Him and following His instructions you will always have something to testify about. Therefore, no matter the challenge or difficulty that you might be facing once you surrender it to God it will always lead to the miraculous.

In conclusion, as we begin this new year as believers, we must decide in our hearts to allow God to take the lead in every area and situations of our lives. This is because without Christ we can do nothing. Therefore, if we really and truly desire the miraculous in our lives we must learn to allow God to take the lead by putting our entire being in His for Him to show us the way so that our lives can truly show the Christ-like examples we ought to be on earth.

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